Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 29, 2009 - BIKES FOR BOOKS

The Brothers of Dunedin Masonic Lodge No. 192 F.& A.M. were pleased to be on hand at Dunedin Elementary for the school's year-end CHAMPS Assembly program recognizing scholastic achievement by the students.

According to Ken Giesow, Lodge/School liaison, "Our lodge has supported the school for a number of years, but this year we wanted to try something different. Working with school officials, we devised a 'Bikes for Books' program which is intended to encourage the students to read. Basically, we are awarding a new bicycle to the top boy and girl readers in Grades 1 - 5. This is a program that was originally created by Masonic Lodges in the western United States, but we're the first Lodge to implement the program in Florida. All of the bikes were paid for by individual donations by members of our Lodge."

Mrs. Kathy Brickley is the Principal of Dunedin Elementary appreciated the efforts by the Masons, "This program was very helpful in encouraging our youth to read."

The winners included:

1 - FIRST Javan Clarke
Abigal Hernandez
(Mrs. Morrison)
Bro. Ryan Schlenker
Bro. Steve Andrews
2 - SECOND Leon
(Ms. Crawford)
(Mrs. Ausdemore)
Bro. Ray Ingalls
W:.Mike Palenik, PM
3 - THIRD Nick Myers
Alyssa Herrera
W:.Shannon McIntosh, PM
W:.Rome Scerbo, PM
4 - FOURTH Reagan Amnay
(Ms. Brooker)
Natalie Schwark
(Ms. Brooker)
R:.W:.Chris Schlenker, PM
R:.W:.Bill McIntosh, PM, PDDGM
5 - FIFTH Cesare Amexaga
Lakaya Burny
(Mr. Gamer)
W:.Bob Matheson, PM
Bro. Dave Seidel

The Lodge also provided $20 gift certificates for the winners to purchase bicycle safety helmets from Walmart, which worked with the Lodge in purchasing the bikes. The certificates were presented by Deputy Spencer Gross of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Department who gave a brief lecture on bicycle safety to the audience.

Click to enlarge

Dunedin Lodge is pleased with the results of the program and wants to perpetuate it in the years ahead. According to the Master of Dunedin Lodge, Tim Bryce, "Masons have long been supporters of public school systems, Dunedin Lodge is no exception. We are proud of our relationship with Dunedin Elementary and pleased to support them not only with the 'Bikes for Books' but with other programs as well. Youth represents the future for all of us. It is just plain common sense that we support them any way we can. Also, I would like to mention I am incredibly proud of our Brothers who donated the bikes and who were here to present them today."

Until next time.

All the Best,
Dunedin Lodge No. 192 F.& A.M.
Dunedin, FL, USA
"For the Good of the Order"

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