I've just returned from our Grand Communications. I have been to a number of these meetings over the years and I cannot say I am ever impressed with what I find. This one was no exception. Everything was superbly choreographed by the ruling party and everything went off as planned. Heck, they even made the Craft think they were a part of the process. As long as the Party has a strangle-hold on the Grand Lodge, I do not anticipate attending any more of these coronations.
The sad thing is the fraternity continues to crumble before our eyes and nobody is interested in addressing the key issues of the day. Let me give you an example. I have been plotting membership trends since 2003 when I was Worshipful Master the first time. Since then, Florida has been averaging a decline in membership of approximately 1,200 Masons. In the Report of the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, it was reported that our membership dropped from 49,942 to 48,658 (a loss of 1,284). In other words, we're right on schedule. Remarkably, in the same document (and at the microphone), the Grand Master reported, "Our Fraternity is starting to grow; many Lodges are putting Candidates through the Degrees as fast as they can set them up."
In order to make such a statement, I presume he has a different set of membership numbers than what was reported to the Craft.
The thing that bothers me the most about these meetings is the lack of regard for the Craft's time and money for attending them. It is a model of inefficiency. It takes three days to accomplish what could be done in one. Want to see people put to sleep quickly? Attend a Grand Communications or the "Grand Waste of Time" as I have heard it referred to.
The sad thing is the fraternity continues to crumble before our eyes and nobody is interested in addressing the key issues of the day. Let me give you an example. I have been plotting membership trends since 2003 when I was Worshipful Master the first time. Since then, Florida has been averaging a decline in membership of approximately 1,200 Masons. In the Report of the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, it was reported that our membership dropped from 49,942 to 48,658 (a loss of 1,284). In other words, we're right on schedule. Remarkably, in the same document (and at the microphone), the Grand Master reported, "Our Fraternity is starting to grow; many Lodges are putting Candidates through the Degrees as fast as they can set them up."
In order to make such a statement, I presume he has a different set of membership numbers than what was reported to the Craft.
The thing that bothers me the most about these meetings is the lack of regard for the Craft's time and money for attending them. It is a model of inefficiency. It takes three days to accomplish what could be done in one. Want to see people put to sleep quickly? Attend a Grand Communications or the "Grand Waste of Time" as I have heard it referred to.
"Serenity Now!" "Serenity Now!"
Until next time.
All the Best,
Dunedin Lodge No. 192 F.& A.M.
Dunedin, FL, USA
"For the Good of the Order"
I just checked my stats and in 2002, there were 58342 members. This means that we have lost almost 10,000 in seven short years.