I then e-mailed it to members of the Lodge and asked for their opinion of my new Worshipful Master photo. I received an avalanche of e-mails from the Craft who thought it was hilarious. No, I do not want to use it as my official photo, but my intent was to introduce a little levity into the Craft and get them to loosen up a bit, thereby encouraging participation. And I think the photo produced the result I was looking for. If I can get people to come to Lodge because they believe it is fun and interesting, then I have fulfilled an important mission as a Master. But if they believe they are going to hear and see the same tired old thing over and over again, then I'm convinced participation will drop off.
The Worshipful Master ultimately sets the mood of the Lodge. If he is boring and lethargic, then the Craft will act likewise which isn't exactly conducive for stimulating attendance, participation, or encouraging new members. My photo may appear to be a bit silly, but the Craft didn't see it coming and enjoyed it immensely. I'm told there is a new sense of confidence and enthusiasm in the Lodge. Hopefully such stunts contribute to it.
I guess my message here is simple: If you're the Worshipful Master, believe me you are being watched by the Craft. Don't appear to be too doom and gloom. Try to lighten things up a little bit. You may be pleasantly surprised by its effect on the Craft.
Until next time.
All the Best,
Dunedin Lodge No. 192 F.& A.M.
Dunedin, FL, USA
"For the Good of the Order"