Friday, July 17, 2009


At last Wednesday night's Masters & Wardens meeting, I announced our Lodge was going to hold a "100 Master Masons" night on Monday, August 17th, which will be our first Stated Communications since going dark for the summer. Over the years I've noticed attendance at Lodge meetings generally falls off during the second half of the year, so I wanted to do something to create momentum going into Autumn.

Actually, the idea of 100 Master Masons is not mine. I heard about it through the Philalethes Society's Internet discussion group where a Brother from the north reported his Lodge tried this idea earlier this year. Although they called for 100 people, many more attended, thereby making it a success and a memorable night for all involved.

In planning our version of the meeting, I have several things to consider other than promoting the event: food for the evening, the program, and making sure everything is choreographed properly. In addition, our new District Deputy Grand Master, who is from our Lodge, wants to make his first official visit at this time, so I have to be economical with the use of our time so we keep it interesting for the attendees.

When I mentioned the concept at the Masters & Wardens Association, the general reaction was favorable from the other Lodges. If this works, I mentioned this might be a good idea for other Lodges to try as well.

In pitching it to the Craft, I said: "When was the last time you sat in Lodge with 100 Master Masons?" Down here in Florida, this is a rare event. Consequently, everyone seems to grasp the significance of the event and wants to be a part of it.

I will be meeting with my officers to firm up details next week, but I've got a good feeling going into this.

Stay tuned!

Until next time.

All the Best,
Dunedin Lodge No. 192 F.& A.M.
Dunedin, FL, USA
"For the Good of the Order"

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